Film Review

Our film Big justice went great. The editing was on point. All of the text matched the movie. It also fits in really well. It was kind of difficult to edit the film to be honest. But after multiple trial and errors I figured it out. It took about 2 hours for me to complete editing all together. Now onto the footage. The footage was great and wasn't too hard to film. We properly used all the angles. Music was edited into the film giving us a proper soundtrack. The film gives a good insight on how the rest of the film will playout. We also did a great job with our costumes. The setting was also perfect considering our plot. I wish we could have showed more of the film though. Id have to say we worked pretty hard on this film and I'm glad it came together nicely. I think others will enjoy our film. It was a fun film to create and I would definitely do it again. All in all, our film went great and I had a good time creating it. Signing off.


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